Math Tutoring

Math Tutoring

With the right help, you can master mathematics — even if you’re not a numbers person! Whether you need help getting through college algebra or you plan to pursue a career that relies heavily on mathematical skills, our staff of math experts will show you how to solve the problem.

At CGCC’s Learning Center, we provide free tutoring in math, statistics, and physics. You also have access to video tutorials, printed resources, and more.

  • Join us in person at the Pecos and Williams Campus Math Tutoring Centers and/or online via Cranium Café to connect live with a CGCC math, physics, or statistics tutor.
  • No appointment is needed, drop in today!

After-hours from a Brainfuse Tutor

When CGCC tutors are not available, log into Brainfuse and use the Live Help option to connect with a Brainfuse tutor. This service is free and available to CGCC students; however, your time is limited to 2 hours per semester. To use Brainfuse, log in with your MEID and password.

Textbook and Calculator Rentals

We do our best to have graphing calculators and copies of current textbooks on hand to use while you’re in our Learning Center. We do not rent any items for use outside of the center. Please contact Student Business Services if you are interested in calculator rentals.


In addition to individual tutoring, our Learning Center offers workshops on related topics. Check back often to see what’s coming up.

Need help using a calculator?

For your convenience, we’ve compiled some videos that cover common topics on how to use a TI-83, TI-84, or Desmos calculator. Which calculator do you use?